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  • diptam
    06-14 09:36 AM
    Good news for some and not so good news for others. I have been waiting for my labor for last 4 years and have still not got the approval on hand. So I am not ready to apply for 485. Where as a friend of mine who came to US last year and applied for labor through perm 2 months back has his approved labor and can apply for 485. I feel this is kind of unfair. The dates should have progressed slowly but steadily instead of trying to create a mad rush now.

    Look, i sympathize with you but you SHOULD HAVE poured in some money to start a parallel PERM application ..... PERM started from APR 2005 - you got almost 2 years +

    My case is also like you but my Labor was 2 years old and applied just
    before PERM and it went straightway to Phily Backlog center ... I thought
    of applying for a Parallel PERM but mine was a RIR ( quicker) and Phily was saying that they would clear all Backog by SEP 2007 ( another 2 months)

    Did you check your status in Backlog tracker ??

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  • coopheal
    03-14 12:18 PM
    People with EB3-India may not expect any kind of fast movement in near future, unless law changes. It will be in snail phase. It is waste discussion to analyze howmany people filled EB3 LC from India in 2002,2003 etc. Generally EB3 is very high demand catagory from all accross the world. EB3 contains skilled worker catagory including cooks, nurses, and so many many non-professional occupations. All the discusion are focussed on demand by Indian IT folks, by ignoring other spectrum of the demand by other group of peoples. Therfore no matter what; EB3-India will get only 3000 EB3 GC per year (Approxmatly 1500 primary).

    1500 LC per year EB3 India is a tiny fraction of the demand by EB3 India. Therefore best advise in EB3 India folks to convert into EB2 to get use of early PD like 2002 or 2003.

    I agree porting to EB2 will be much faster.

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  • jkays94
    07-21 08:26 PM
    AILA now feels defeated because they could not show themselves as the protector of this community. If you see the lawsuit text by AILF, it clearly asks for money for lawyer fees, but does not asks for moeny for Medical exam and mental agony. So if you are going to trust your lawyers to help you, then good luck.
    By the way, your Indian lawyer I dont know the name, sued DOL once and lost.

    IV alone did not win the battle alone, it took the concerted efforts of IV and other organizations including AILA and the threat of the AILF lawsuit to get DOS and USCIS to relent and reverse their decision.

    It obvious you misunderstood the purpose of the AILF lawsuit. Why file a lawsuit seeking injunctive relief to allow plaintiffs to file and at the same time demand reimbursement of medical fees and compensation for mental agony (I doubt if there were any plaintiffs put on anti-depressants or therapy in those two weeks as a result of the decision). You can't have your cake and eat it, you either win the case to enable filing, or you sue for damages incurred as a result of the decision but then you have to forget about contesting the ability to file, I'm sure any sane individual will be glad to choose the former and in this case thats what the lawsuit reflects. If you have ever read any class action lawsuit, the lawyers always ask for costs of the suit, this is normal even in non class action lawsuits, the loosing party pays the prevailing party's costs!

    In the prior lawsuit that was lost, it is clear that Rajiv said recently that such cases against the executive branch of government need to filed in other federal court circuits other than the DC one where it is likely they will not be inclined to frown when deciding against the executive. For the record, his lawsuit was not against the DOL.

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  • Jaime
    09-06 05:17 PM
    Did you understand clearly the message from

    Facts Presentation Video ??? :confused:

    "Some succeed because they are destined to,
    but most succeed because they are determined to......."

    450,000 and 15-16 years ???
    Does that number make U worried, Challenged ?
    why not 30,000 people in DC on historic 18th.

    30,000...YES WE CAN! We need to make our strongest effort, our strongest push right now to promote the rally and change minds! There are many of us near DC, and we still have 12 days! Let's GO guys! Let's help change minds! Can we free ourselves from these unfair chains of retrogression and country caps? Together YES WE CAN!!!!!!!!


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  • as_rudra
    06-30 09:03 AM
    Lets hope this one will Fly all the way.

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  • chmur
    07-18 07:05 PM
    you must know something i don't.
    aman kapoor is the president and founder of iv- of course you can argue he now has his GC but that fact is he is still the heart and soul of iv and runs the organization on a day to day basis. he is EB3.

    the "core group" does not much exist in practical terms right now. there is instead a large "leaders group" that helps coordinate actions and strategy.
    this group has a lot of active members- and i find it "comfortable" to say that the majority are EB3. which may actually count for something- since i actually do know somethings you don't :-)

    no one stops anyone from doing anything. but whatever you do (and yes you actually have to DO, not just keep talking), has to have a sound basis. Many of the suggestions put forward have flaws, and actually papu and others have been pretty helpful in politely helping to point those out and suggesting changes. of course reddog took objection even to that! incidentally, just for the record, you may want to look at pappu's profile . HE IS EB3!

    so what do you want anyway? should we go tell USCIS that leftover Gc from EB2 ROW should go to EB3 ROW instead of EB2 I/C? what about the 28.6% that should belong to EB2? and since you are EB3 I- how does this help you in any way? or should we tell them to stop the preference catogories in INA and make EB1=EB2=Eb3? somehow i do not think that is going to fly.

    where were you when USCIS implemented vertical spillover in 2006 and left EB2 I in a U state while giving EB2 Gc numbers to EB3 ROW?
    did you object then? did you start a campaign? did EB2 I folks here start saying that iv did not care about them?

    in 2007 ordinarily, (like 06) EB2 I and EB3 I would have got only 2,800 GC each. because of iv's efforts in reversing the july bulletin, EB3 I got a huge number of Gc instead. many more than any other category. i don't remember anyone else standing up and saying that this was unfair and that iv is all about EB3I. and that's what a lot of anti iv folks say. that iv is all about EB3 India. so this is very ironical.

    and i see here a comment that every campaign has been bad for EB3 india.
    i guess july reversal was bad. i guess the campaign for recapture is bad. and the 2 year EAD is bad too. not to mention the gathering support to end country quotas.

    you opened my eyes :-)

    Good post . And there is no basis for anyone to accuse IV of being anti EB3 or anti -anything immigration related . It's a truly fantastic organization .

    That said, EB3's concern are real and not based on Jealousy. Everyone should support recapture effort but I do not think that is the only solution.

    Challenging/airing concerns over DOS 's spill over distribution is a valid issue too. May not be as important as recapture issue but still important like 2 year EAD/AP,s etc.


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  • Jaime
    09-06 06:49 PM
    Picture your freedom!

    You are contributing a lot to your job, but are underapppreciated and underpaid. You have a business plan, venture capital and the ability to immediately start a business that will employ several Americans. You resign from your unfair employer. You go and start your business, and you start seeing it grow. Your spouse gets a new job, your children are about to go to college at a great school with in-state tuition. How is all this possible? Because you have a green card!

    Are you going to give all of that up? Are you going to continue to be a minion at your company just because you are at the mercy of the unfair H1-B visa? Will you continue to put up with a situation that blocks the bigger contributions that you can make to this great country that you have already assimilated to? Will you let your children age out and not be eligible to remain at your side?


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  • krishmunn
    10-06 11:22 AM
    An article of getting PIO card from India :) | The Papers Are In Order (

    I am a Person of Indian Origin. I have a slate-grey passport-like document issued by the Indian government that says so. But I�m not really. I was not born or brought up here, and I do not have a single direct ancestor who, as far as I know, ever lived in India. I have become the proud possessor of a Persons of Indian Origin card because I am married to an Indian citizen.

    I had lived in India, on and off, for ten years�and had been married to an Indian citizen for even longer.
    Two men were seated at the edge of the sofa, looking more nervous than me. Shireen was questioning them.

    Previously, my visas were renewed every six months. We now wanted to stay in India indefinitely and make our home in Delhi. I would have preferred dual citizenship�but that wasn�t, and still isn�t, available. PIO would be second best. But the actual card was not easy to come by. It involved a total of 17 visits to three separate ministries and five different offices. It took up at least four full days of my life. I was interviewed twice, the second time at home with my wife, Shireen. The first time was at the offices of the Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, in an unventilated, very public room brimming with non-Indians from every continent. I reached the head of the queue after two hours of eavesdropping on other people�s immigration problems. I was asked, among other more prosaic questions, to explain why I had married an Indian woman (�Love,� I said, monosyllabically), and then, with a leer and a twinkle, whether I had had many Indian girlfriends. �N-no�, I stuttered. My hesitant response did not reflect either uncertainty or mendacity on my part, but my surprise and my growing irritation with the questioner. The interview ended abruptly. He wrote �Refer for further enquiry� on my residence permit and said I would receive a home visit. �We need to be sure that marriages to Indian citizens are genuine.�

    Several weeks later, one Friday afternoon around 5 pm, I received a phone call as I was pottering around the streets of central Delhi.
    �He wanted a bribe, you idiot,� my friend said. �You�ll never get your card now; he�d have been happy with Rs 100.�

    The investigators from the Home Ministry would be at my home at 5.30. As I rushed home, images of Mr and Mrs, a television programme of my UK childhood, flashed through my mind. A gormless husband would be placed in a soundproof booth, while his bright-as-a-button wife would stand on the stage. She would be asked semi-intimate questions about their life together: what was the first present she gave him when they were ? What colour nightclothes was she wearing yesterday? And so on. The husband was then released from the booth, and would invariably get the answers wrong, to his embarrassment and everyone else�s amusement. It was gentle viewing�a mild celebration of female omniscience and male autism. But now I was going to take part in a real-life version of Mr and Mrs, and my precious PIO card, and perhaps my right to stay in India, would depend on it. And, suddenly I could not, for the life of me, remember the colour of Shireen�s toothbrush, or the name of her favourite Hindi movie, or her shoe size. Fifteen years of marriage had been erased from my memory. I was sweating with nerves by the time I reached home.

    Two men were seated on the edge of the sofa, looking even more nervous than me, untouched glasses of water in front of them. Shireen was questioning them about their professional qualifications�which were not very extensive. I gave her a self-conscious kiss on the cheek and sat down. At that point, our children burst in, a dancing duet of carefree excitement.

    �What are these children?� asked the chief investigator.

    �They�re ours.� Shireen responded with a slight chill in her voice.

    �Children of both of you? They are very old.�

    �Yes, both of us. They�re twelve and eleven.�

    �How do you have children if you are just married?� I had not prepared for this baffling line of questioning�and was later reprimanded for just sitting there with my mouth open. Shireen, meanwhile, delivered a crushing blow.

    �Ridiculous (sotto voce).... This is all totally ridiculous (out loud).... We�ve been married for fifteen years.�

    I nodded eagerly.

    The two men looked at each other, aghast, and then started scrabbling through the cardboard file they had brought with them. It became clear that they normally interviewed newly-married couples.

    �Can we see your marriage certificate?� I showed it to them and was asked for a copy. I printed out a copy of the certificate, which was downloaded on my computer. They then got up and left�abruptly ending my brief cameo on Mr and Mrs�having promised a decision within two weeks.

    The following evening, a Saturday, our cook, Pan Singh, said one of the men who had come yesterday was at the gate, asking for a lifafa, the Hindi word for envelope. I asked him to invite the man in. Pan Singh returned, a little sheepish, saying the man refused to come in, but just wanted a lifafa�with our marriage certificate. And so, slightly puzzled, I printed out another copy.

    Later, I told a friend this story. �He wanted a bribe, you idiot. A lifafa is what you put the bribe in. You�ll never get your PIO card now, and he�d have been perfectly happy with 100 rupees.�

    Three weeks later I went to the Foreigners� Regional Registration Office to hear the good news, and the bad. �Your application for a PIO has successfully passed the enquiry stage,� the official informed me without looking up. �But unfortunately, Mr Miller, all your documentation has gone astray and you will need to resubmit.� I looked heavenwards and brought my hand down rather heavily on the table. �I�m sorry. We�re not computerised yet, and some of our agents are a little careless.� It may have been my imagination, but I�m sure I detected the trace of a wink in her left eye. �Probably best to apply next time you�re in London,� she told me cheerfully. I walked away presuming, but unable to prove, that my papers had been deliberately lost.

    I took her advice. Three weeks after putting in my application to the Indian High Commission in London (no interview necessary), I had my precious PIO card�together with a 15-year visa, the right to buy property in India, and, to my amusement, the ability to join the diplomats� queue at immigration at Delhi airport. This is of no practical use, because I still have to wait just as long for my luggage, but I do get childishly gleeful as I saunter past the first-class passengers.

    Except for the presumed bribary and loss of docs, I do not see anything unusual. USCIS do a lot more grilling before issuing a marriage based GC .
    Think about the time consuming process and associated cost even for a EB GC. Well the cost is not bribe -- here they call it Attorney Fees.


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  • rsdang
    09-18 11:13 AM
    Seems like you have all the evidence you need... unless your lawyer screwed up...

    All the best...


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  • mashu
    07-31 08:53 PM
    ... and prepared the following documents to be send:

    -Copy of a e-filed I-131 receipt (.pdf, received right after submission, credit card payment reflected)
    -Copy of Notice of Action for e-filed I-131 (received from USCIS, paper)
    -Copy of I-485 receipt
    -Copy of last Advance Parole
    -2 photographs.

    I hope this is what is required as supplemental docs.

    Best wishes!!!

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  • angelfire76
    05-30 01:29 PM
    Its funny how some so called indian "newspapers" like siliconIndia are very religious to echo the "statements" and "Sentiments" of these people from other countries. Again, this article states "it is said...bla bla", they are talking as though it has become an epidemic and all the billion plus people from India are gonna follow to their greener pastures. Yes, these countries can do what they need and can do, but for God's sake, dont paint a sorry a$$ picture. They jsut continue to show how ignorant and foolish they are :)

    It's a money making scheme. Couple of weeks ago read a report about UK taking the begging bowl to the IMF and World Bank and an increase in the poverty level. You have so many people on dole on a small island, it's a natural progression that they try to find other avenues for making money. Why do you think they have the transit gates situated such that everybody has to pass through Duty free in Heathrow?
    The robbers have exhausted all their loot and now want more. :rolleyes:


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  • desi3933
    02-25 10:06 AM
    Reading through this, this only says that the status cannot be changed (to a PR). It does not say that the prefiling of of AOS application cannot be done.

    I think we should definitely try to work towards this. There was also an article on Immigration daily (,0225-endelman.shtm) which suggests pre filing as a administrative fix that will solve a lot of problems.

    I am definitely in for such a initiative.

    Read again
    (3) an immigrant visa is immediately available to him at the time his application is filed.

    Explanation - At the time when the application (i.e. I-485) is filed by applicant, an immigrant visa is immediately available (i.e. PD is current).

    If you still have doubt, talk to your attorney and post here what he/she told you.

    Have a good day!

    Not a legal advice
    US citizen of Indian origin

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  • Caliber
    04-10 04:09 PM
    Sanjus is comparing apples to oranges. ie, comparing IV to Comcast?

    Reddog: We discussed enough on this Donor and Freeluncher's. You decided not to pay. Why still keep arguing about it?

    Why not you provide free lunch to your neighbor's every day? Over a period of time, those neighbor's will think it is their right to get Free lunch from you.

    If you are a student and not earning, you have every right to request for free access. You claim to be Highly educated and earning and you still want free ride?


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  • buehler
    07-21 09:13 AM
    I am still not clear on what basis you can sue DOL? Is there any law that states that DOL should use FIFO or promises to process the labor within a certain number of days. Don't get me wrong. My case was also stuck in BEC for a long time so I can understand where you are coming from but still there seems to very little chance of winning this lawsuit. In fact it might even be tough to get any lawyer to take up this case.

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  • santb1975
    04-27 03:40 PM

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  • H4_losing_hope
    02-12 06:52 PM
    please could you top mine off when you have chance so I still feel like I am competing with these long distance runners hehe. Thanks :)


    07-18 04:01 PM
    There is another drawback of H1 that i have had for the past so many years, there is no change in the 'position' because it means that the job description will change, so all these years most people like me remain 'sr software engineers' no matter what we do, because lawyers say that you should not change the job description, as it will affect the process. its all a big scam i say... :confused:

    05-21 11:41 AM
    Indeed it makes no sense that people who have families to support get nothing, while those who do not have families get it.

    Anyway, it is not over yet. I have been able to get congress to approve checks for military families, so anything is possible.

    That is really great NEWS. at least, some are benefiting from the left outs. How did that happen so quickly. What are the hurdles in getting it for legal immigrants (for example, H4 dependents)?

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